Monday, August 22, 2016


At the temple dedication
🎶I love to see the temple, I went inside yesterday. I felt the Holy Spirit. I listened and I Prayed🎶

The Japan Sapporo Temple is officially dedicated! Thanks to the prayers of your beloved Apostles. Elder Stevens and President Nelson graced our room in the temple just to say hi before our session started. There is nothing more beautiful then someone dressed in all white. Everyone was smiling from ear to ear and the talks were all so special. Heavenly Father really does love us. Yesterday was proof that no matter where we are God is showering his love down on us. It was something I'll never forget.

Speaking of rain, there was a typhoon this week. Both Hackett Shimai and my bags got so wet they unwaterproofed themselves. Showed up at the church for cancelled English Class literally dripping. Rung out my rain jacket.. Such fun when you live on an island.


More rain, got a cool story. I love kanji. Seriously obsessed.
So this is the kanji for Holy Ghost 聖霊 in the first kanji (聖) means saint, holy... but it also has the kanji for ear (耳)  then the second kanji (霊) has the kanji for rain (雨) So I looked this up after reading this weeks scripture:  

Galatians 5:22-23
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." 

All of these things are gifts, blessing from the spirit. If we listen (耳) to the Holy Ghost blessings will be poured (雨) down upon us! That's just Sister Zollinger's kanji interpretation for ya. Not sure if it makes sense to anyone but me but I think it's really cool!

The other day we were finding and we hadn't been having any success. I was about to get discouraged when I told myself you need faith and hope or you'll never help anyone. So it was our last house that night I found my hope Hackett Shimai pinged. I bore my testimony like I've never born it before and she said we can come back. She said I don't think you can give me this happiness you're talking about but I want to see if you can. Come back. It was such a miracle. It really is like that scripture in Alma. When their hearts were depressed and they were about to turn back the lord strengthened them. I felt so strengthened riding back that night. I kept thinking this is why. This is why I'm here. So Takahashi San can finally find that happiness she's been spending 80+ years looking for.

Lesson learned yesterday: two years ago I tried so hard to go on a mission. I wanted to be out at my 19th birthday no ifs ands or buts. Did not take no for an answer. If I had of gone out when I, me, Sister Zollinger wanted to I would have missed the temple open house and dedication. The timeline the lord has planned for us is better than anything we could ever imagine up for ourselves. Trust in that.

I love you all!
Sister Zollinger

How we looked when we got to the church Wednesday. Our waterproof gear kept us nice and wet :)

Dinner in our apt is always a party.

Carlile Shimai came to see me! Got to see so many MTC friends this week. Saw my first and second Branch President. Johnson and Daniels Kaicho! Also saw another MTC teacher. It was a weird trip down MTC memory lane. At least I'm not at day one Japanese anymore when Carlile Shimai looked at me and said "genki desu ka?" Still feel bad I yelled at her...

Hackett Shimais first sushi!!

Found this a few minutes ago... It's not this bad but sometimes your companion makes some weird food. Or you make something weird for your comp, so sorry Adams Shimai.

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